Legal notice

NewBorn Animal Care, S.A.S. with a share capital of €130,990
1 rue des frères Piéto – Saint Aaron
22400 LAMBALLE ARMOR – France
Saint-Brieuc trade and company register N° 482 830 817
Email: info[at]
Tel: +33(0)2 96 30 72 72
Website creation and hosting
La Bouée Libre, S.A.S. with a share capital of €10,000
9 ter square de la Ville Cadio – 22520 Binic
Saint-Brieuc trade and company register N° 810 380 667 00016
Ownership and reproduction
The site is an intellectual work protected by current legislation. The general structure, as well as the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings, artwork and all other elements of this website are the exclusive property of Newborn Animal Care. Any total or partial reproduction of this site, by any means whatsoever, without the express permission of Newborn Animal Care is prohibited and would constitute an infringement under Articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Newborn Animal Care is not liable for other resources available on the internet which are accessible via hypertext links created on this website.
Privacy policy
Applicable law
The use of this website is governed by French law alone excluding any other legislation.